Apbassd Lushdr3 Syn5 Cymbol Apocchor A8syn1 Japsyn1 Revcymb Rolldrum 11-05-93 Hypnotic remix By maelcum Check it out I tried it with stereo Even though i dont Have a sb pro Call and leave me mail At trancentral 2 908-820-0723 Peace to venom and maelcum klf 93 nderground - original song by Sin TM Remix and production by Maelcu KLF '93 Production. Copyright 19 all Trancentral II - (908) 820-07 4.4k v32, for the latest from KLF fart at me on TSB @ Dan Nicholson reets to Boomer, Undertaker, Riku araku, Purple Motion, C.C Catch a ll the other composers out there. call me voice (908) 688-0708 tory so far: this one began life FastTracker MOD. after aquiring arlier today and playing around s his was the first thing to come o actually there was some bad acid ut that needs some work :) beep me internet: moddan@bowker.c ook for a new mtm very soon that ff this format much more than thi